Nice warm days in March. So for Friday fun day we went to Big Bear Park. Spencer's friend was coming home with us from school so we brought him with us to the park. The kids had so much fun. We love this park because it isn't your typical playground. It's old school with a metal castle slide, a boot slide, a circus car/monkey bars, a dinosaur climbing structure, and a tin ant they can climb inside. There's also a plastic slide structure and a swing set. And a volleyball court the kids think of and use as a sandbox. They had so much fun. I even took some fun pictures with my brand new camera. The next day was their first soccer games and I took some pictures of Spencer's game and haven't seen my camera since. Which is why I'm not posting the fun pictures I took at the park.
My Aunt and Uncle from Oregon were in town and wanted to meet up with my folks and any of us kids for dinner. Then my Aunt and Uncle from Idaho decided to come down as well. So we all met up at Spaghetti Factory. My cousin and his kids came as well. We had two large tables and risked putting all the kids together at their own table so we could visit with the adults. Ha, ha you can guess how well that went. Actually the kids were quite well behaved for the most part. It was fun visiting with my relatives I don't see often. The kids had a lot of fun together. I took this picture with my phone.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Cousins and my Grandma
My Grandma's 97th birthday was coming up and I wanted to visit her. And the office was going to be closed on Saturday so I actually had a day off. After picking up Spencer from school Friday afternoon we headed North. Because my sister lives about halfway from my place to my Grandma's we decided to stay overnight with her. The kids were so excited to have a sleepover with their cousins. My kids are only allowed sleepovers with cousins or siblings.
My parents also decided to come up and see my Grandma and take her to lunch so they also came up and spent Friday night. Of course they didn't make it up until after the kids were asleep so I got to visit with them, but my kids didn't really. All the kids and I were sleeping in the spare bedroom. Aliya, Spencer, Tessa, and Clara all slept on the floor in the room and I slept in the bed. Clara had a hard time going to sleep so I layed in there a while with her. And the kids had me awake bright and early before 7 the next morning. Here are a couple pictures:

The next morning the kids had fun playing together and watching TV. After breakfast we got everybody showered, hair fixed, moved car seats around, and set up movie players for the kids. Tiff and her kids came with me and my kids and my parents drove a little ahead of us. They met my Aunt and Uncle at my Grandma's and brought her to Golden Corral where we met up for lunch. I'm not a big fan of Golden Corral but it was my Grandma's birthday and her choice. The kids had a blast choosing what to put on their plates. Some of it they liked and some of it they didn't. They definitely loved their desserts. I let my kids choose 2 items. They all chose a cotton candy and a marshmallow dipped in the chocolate fountain. They became a bit messy. Then of course their Grandma (my mom) came with a few bowls full of gummy bears and M&Ms and candies from the ice cream station. So the kids gathered around and devoured a bunch more candy.
Then we headed over to my Grandma's house. We beat my Grandma by a good distance so the kids had fun playing in her backyard. I love watching the ways kids come up with to entertain themselves. Inside my Grandma's house the kids found the toy closet and enjoyed playing with the old school toys that can't be found anymore. Their favorite was the record player toy. My Grandma was a good sport with all the kids and noise around while we visited with her. Spencer gave her a Chinese lantern he picked out from the Chinese market. He also wished her Happy Birthday Grandma in Chinese (he's learning Mandarin) and she didn't understand so I told her what he said and she seemed a bit confused.
After reviewing my pictures I'm guessing some little kid got sticky fingers on it while at Golden Corral and I feel horrible that my picture of these kids with their Great Grandma is so blury. At least they have their memories.
My parents also decided to come up and see my Grandma and take her to lunch so they also came up and spent Friday night. Of course they didn't make it up until after the kids were asleep so I got to visit with them, but my kids didn't really. All the kids and I were sleeping in the spare bedroom. Aliya, Spencer, Tessa, and Clara all slept on the floor in the room and I slept in the bed. Clara had a hard time going to sleep so I layed in there a while with her. And the kids had me awake bright and early before 7 the next morning. Here are a couple pictures:

The next morning the kids had fun playing together and watching TV. After breakfast we got everybody showered, hair fixed, moved car seats around, and set up movie players for the kids. Tiff and her kids came with me and my kids and my parents drove a little ahead of us. They met my Aunt and Uncle at my Grandma's and brought her to Golden Corral where we met up for lunch. I'm not a big fan of Golden Corral but it was my Grandma's birthday and her choice. The kids had a blast choosing what to put on their plates. Some of it they liked and some of it they didn't. They definitely loved their desserts. I let my kids choose 2 items. They all chose a cotton candy and a marshmallow dipped in the chocolate fountain. They became a bit messy. Then of course their Grandma (my mom) came with a few bowls full of gummy bears and M&Ms and candies from the ice cream station. So the kids gathered around and devoured a bunch more candy.
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My sweet Grandma |
Then we headed over to my Grandma's house. We beat my Grandma by a good distance so the kids had fun playing in her backyard. I love watching the ways kids come up with to entertain themselves. Inside my Grandma's house the kids found the toy closet and enjoyed playing with the old school toys that can't be found anymore. Their favorite was the record player toy. My Grandma was a good sport with all the kids and noise around while we visited with her. Spencer gave her a Chinese lantern he picked out from the Chinese market. He also wished her Happy Birthday Grandma in Chinese (he's learning Mandarin) and she didn't understand so I told her what he said and she seemed a bit confused.
After reviewing my pictures I'm guessing some little kid got sticky fingers on it while at Golden Corral and I feel horrible that my picture of these kids with their Great Grandma is so blury. At least they have their memories.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Working, Pizza movie night, and St. Patrick's Day
I am so very, very lucky to be able to be a mostly stay at home mother. I am also very, very lucky to have a part time seasonal job. I got my Bachelor's in Accounting from the University of Utah but I quit working when Spencer was born. We both agreed that my staying at home with the children would be most beneficial to raising them and thought we could make it financially. Boy was that first year rough. Cutting out an entire salary was really hard. And Brodie started a Masters' Program with BYU at the same time. So we took out a bunch of student loans not only for school but to get by without my previous income. After a year we decided I would try to get a part-time job during tax season. I was lucky to get a job at a CPA firm just a few minutes away from my home who let me choose my hours and with some people I really enjoy working with. I'm on my 7th season there now. Not only is the extra money really helpful in our lives, but I like remembering that I have a brain, socializing with adults, and keeping a foot in the working world in case I ever need to put more than a foot in later in the future.
I arrange for various babysitters in the afternoon until Brodie can get home from work. Over the years I've had a few different neighborhood teenage girls babysit, my mother-in-law, and my sister. So this year I have 3 different neighborhood girls (one is new this year but the other two have watched my kids before) who each take one day a week. One of my problems this year is Spencer being in school all day and his school is a ways away so I have to pick him up and don't get home until close to four. So this is the latest in the day I've started working. My other problem is that Spencer has a play practice once a week following school and I need someone who can drive (and who I trust driving with all my kids) Spencer to play practice, stay while he's there, and drive him home. I never managed to get this one fully worked out. One time my sister pulled her daughter out of school a little early to come out for me. Another time my other sister drove all the way down from Tremonton to watch my kids at play practice and the few hours following that because Brodie was out of town. And a couple other times while my youngest sister's daughter was off track she watched them. Other than that I've blocked off work that day until 6 pm. I also have a friend whose daughter I watched during December who is watching Tessa and Clara for a few hours during the day on Fridays so I can make up some hours I'm missing. And I work on Saturdays while Brodie is home with the kids.
At first I enjoy going into work. And the kids feel like they are just having playdates with these different babysitters every day. After a few weeks I don't enjoy going into work quite as much. And the kids really get to missing me and their usual routine. And Brodie gets tired of trying to get dinner for the kids and get them all to bed 4 times a week. A few weeks later (about where we are now) I am counting down the end of tax season. I'm tired of trying to keep up on the house and kids with about 25 fewer hours a week, trying to have dinner planned and semi-prepped before going to work, being away from my kids so much, and all the other stuff. Which makes me even more grateful for my job and that I am able to only work seasonally and then stay home the rest of the year. This year the date I'm looking forward to is April 17th. Exactly one month from today.
Yesterday I got Spencer to school early for running club, came home to get the girls and myself ready, dropped the girls off for babysitting (they love going to Stacey's for a playdate!), and went to work for a few hours. Then I picked up the girls and was able to come home since Spencer was being picked up from school by a friend's mom. I put Clara down for a nap and played Barbies and princesses with Tessa, who is extra clingy by now and really needs some extra mommy attention. When Brodie came home he was in the mood for The Pie Pizzeria so I ordered and he picked it up. I also reserved The Adventures of Tin Tin from Redbox and picked that movie up. The kids were so excited for a Pizza Movie night where we let them eat pizza down in the TV room while we watch a movie. The kids brought out their foam couches to sit/lay on. After eating pizza Brodie fell asleep on the couch. Clara was wild so I spent a lot of time on the ground with her. Brodie had tried to be helpful by cutting her pizza into bite-size pieces but she didn't want anything to do with them. So she ate some of my pizza and some of Spencer's 2nd slice when he wasn't looking. She also kept trying to dip in the marinara sauce but she refused to sit on my lap while she ate and I didn't trust her otherwise so I hid the sauce.
Spencer seemed to enjoy Tin Tin. It was pretty good, but hard for the kids to follow. And the girls don't have a long attention span anyhow. So Tessa spent a lot of time playing other things--dancing, jumping, running around, etc. And Clara loved standing on my lap and singing and dancing for me. She is such a character! Near the end of the show I took Clara up and put her to bed. When the movie was over I let Tessa and Spencer set up sleeping bags and stuff in Spencer's room. They set their pillows in the doorway so they could hear/see the leprechaun when he came. Then they set a trap for it. They propped up Spencer's Sponge Bob foam couch on the fireplace and stuck a box of Lucky Charms under it--both to lure the leprechaun and to wake them up with the crunching. Then Spencer put his drawing of a leprechaun sticking out so the real one would think it was his friend. Then they planned to stay awake all night. For about half an hour I heard them talking about what they would wish for if they caught him. Spencer said they could each choose one wish and I would choose one for Clara. Tessa was upset because she had heard you could have 3 wishes and she already had her 3 wishes. Spencer had to explain to her they had to share the 3 wishes. So Tessa decided her wish would be that her birthday would be here faster so she could make another wish on her birthday cake.
Brodie and I watched another show I had rented from Redbox before going to bed.
At 6 am Spencer and Tessa were in my room asking if they could get up even though it wasn't 7 yet. I said okay because I knew if I said no they would keep coming back and asking every 5 minutes. Well, Spencer would send Tessa every 5 minutes because he knows better. Spencer said they didn't catch the leprechaun but he left his hat and a note to follow the massive amounts of yarn throughout the house to find the pot of gold. They found the Hershey's "Pot of Gold" box and enjoyed some chocolates. Spencer said he felt the leprechaun's hand on his face and it lifting his pillow up to put the yarn under his pillow. Probably because the leprechaun didn't want the kids to get clothes-lined or to strangle themselves in their sleep as it was setting up the yarn maze. Spencer said at first he thought it was dad but the hand wasn't as big as dad's or as "furry" (he later clarified this as "hairy"). He said it was about as big as my hand though, and he was confused because he thought leprechauns were smaller than kids even. I told him I didn't know how big leprechauns were.
I postponed going into work this morning so we could stop by my sister's to wish her daughter a Happy Birthday and give her a spy watch so she can now join the spy ranks of Spencer and 3 other cousins. We were only able to stay for about half an hour before I had to leave to get to work. Tessa was very sad and crying about having to leave already. Even as I was putting her in bed she was still telling me I should have driven Brodie's truck out there so I could have left to go to work and she could have stayed to play longer. But I talked to my sister about setting up a playdate for Tessa and Afton this week so that got her to stop crying.
For dinner tonight I made a pounded, breaded pork tenderloin that my mom used to make for us and my kids love. I also made asparagus and cut up some kiwi fruit. Brodie sauteed some cabbage and we also served lime jell-o that Brodie made earlier while I was at work. Clara just kept screaming for more Jell-o and kiwi but the other kids ate really well. Spencer ate tons. Tessa tried dipping her pork in the leftover jell-o on her plate and declared it was very good. So Spencer told her to try a bite with everything on her plate mixed together. So she asked me to help her load a piece of pork, kiwi, some cabbage, and some jell-o. She liked it. Brodie even made green milk for them. Then while I was giving Clara a bath Brodie gave the kids some Grasshopper ice cream (cuz it's green and super yummy).
I arrange for various babysitters in the afternoon until Brodie can get home from work. Over the years I've had a few different neighborhood teenage girls babysit, my mother-in-law, and my sister. So this year I have 3 different neighborhood girls (one is new this year but the other two have watched my kids before) who each take one day a week. One of my problems this year is Spencer being in school all day and his school is a ways away so I have to pick him up and don't get home until close to four. So this is the latest in the day I've started working. My other problem is that Spencer has a play practice once a week following school and I need someone who can drive (and who I trust driving with all my kids) Spencer to play practice, stay while he's there, and drive him home. I never managed to get this one fully worked out. One time my sister pulled her daughter out of school a little early to come out for me. Another time my other sister drove all the way down from Tremonton to watch my kids at play practice and the few hours following that because Brodie was out of town. And a couple other times while my youngest sister's daughter was off track she watched them. Other than that I've blocked off work that day until 6 pm. I also have a friend whose daughter I watched during December who is watching Tessa and Clara for a few hours during the day on Fridays so I can make up some hours I'm missing. And I work on Saturdays while Brodie is home with the kids.
At first I enjoy going into work. And the kids feel like they are just having playdates with these different babysitters every day. After a few weeks I don't enjoy going into work quite as much. And the kids really get to missing me and their usual routine. And Brodie gets tired of trying to get dinner for the kids and get them all to bed 4 times a week. A few weeks later (about where we are now) I am counting down the end of tax season. I'm tired of trying to keep up on the house and kids with about 25 fewer hours a week, trying to have dinner planned and semi-prepped before going to work, being away from my kids so much, and all the other stuff. Which makes me even more grateful for my job and that I am able to only work seasonally and then stay home the rest of the year. This year the date I'm looking forward to is April 17th. Exactly one month from today.
Yesterday I got Spencer to school early for running club, came home to get the girls and myself ready, dropped the girls off for babysitting (they love going to Stacey's for a playdate!), and went to work for a few hours. Then I picked up the girls and was able to come home since Spencer was being picked up from school by a friend's mom. I put Clara down for a nap and played Barbies and princesses with Tessa, who is extra clingy by now and really needs some extra mommy attention. When Brodie came home he was in the mood for The Pie Pizzeria so I ordered and he picked it up. I also reserved The Adventures of Tin Tin from Redbox and picked that movie up. The kids were so excited for a Pizza Movie night where we let them eat pizza down in the TV room while we watch a movie. The kids brought out their foam couches to sit/lay on. After eating pizza Brodie fell asleep on the couch. Clara was wild so I spent a lot of time on the ground with her. Brodie had tried to be helpful by cutting her pizza into bite-size pieces but she didn't want anything to do with them. So she ate some of my pizza and some of Spencer's 2nd slice when he wasn't looking. She also kept trying to dip in the marinara sauce but she refused to sit on my lap while she ate and I didn't trust her otherwise so I hid the sauce.
Spencer seemed to enjoy Tin Tin. It was pretty good, but hard for the kids to follow. And the girls don't have a long attention span anyhow. So Tessa spent a lot of time playing other things--dancing, jumping, running around, etc. And Clara loved standing on my lap and singing and dancing for me. She is such a character! Near the end of the show I took Clara up and put her to bed. When the movie was over I let Tessa and Spencer set up sleeping bags and stuff in Spencer's room. They set their pillows in the doorway so they could hear/see the leprechaun when he came. Then they set a trap for it. They propped up Spencer's Sponge Bob foam couch on the fireplace and stuck a box of Lucky Charms under it--both to lure the leprechaun and to wake them up with the crunching. Then Spencer put his drawing of a leprechaun sticking out so the real one would think it was his friend. Then they planned to stay awake all night. For about half an hour I heard them talking about what they would wish for if they caught him. Spencer said they could each choose one wish and I would choose one for Clara. Tessa was upset because she had heard you could have 3 wishes and she already had her 3 wishes. Spencer had to explain to her they had to share the 3 wishes. So Tessa decided her wish would be that her birthday would be here faster so she could make another wish on her birthday cake.
Brodie and I watched another show I had rented from Redbox before going to bed.
At 6 am Spencer and Tessa were in my room asking if they could get up even though it wasn't 7 yet. I said okay because I knew if I said no they would keep coming back and asking every 5 minutes. Well, Spencer would send Tessa every 5 minutes because he knows better. Spencer said they didn't catch the leprechaun but he left his hat and a note to follow the massive amounts of yarn throughout the house to find the pot of gold. They found the Hershey's "Pot of Gold" box and enjoyed some chocolates. Spencer said he felt the leprechaun's hand on his face and it lifting his pillow up to put the yarn under his pillow. Probably because the leprechaun didn't want the kids to get clothes-lined or to strangle themselves in their sleep as it was setting up the yarn maze. Spencer said at first he thought it was dad but the hand wasn't as big as dad's or as "furry" (he later clarified this as "hairy"). He said it was about as big as my hand though, and he was confused because he thought leprechauns were smaller than kids even. I told him I didn't know how big leprechauns were.
I postponed going into work this morning so we could stop by my sister's to wish her daughter a Happy Birthday and give her a spy watch so she can now join the spy ranks of Spencer and 3 other cousins. We were only able to stay for about half an hour before I had to leave to get to work. Tessa was very sad and crying about having to leave already. Even as I was putting her in bed she was still telling me I should have driven Brodie's truck out there so I could have left to go to work and she could have stayed to play longer. But I talked to my sister about setting up a playdate for Tessa and Afton this week so that got her to stop crying.
For dinner tonight I made a pounded, breaded pork tenderloin that my mom used to make for us and my kids love. I also made asparagus and cut up some kiwi fruit. Brodie sauteed some cabbage and we also served lime jell-o that Brodie made earlier while I was at work. Clara just kept screaming for more Jell-o and kiwi but the other kids ate really well. Spencer ate tons. Tessa tried dipping her pork in the leftover jell-o on her plate and declared it was very good. So Spencer told her to try a bite with everything on her plate mixed together. So she asked me to help her load a piece of pork, kiwi, some cabbage, and some jell-o. She liked it. Brodie even made green milk for them. Then while I was giving Clara a bath Brodie gave the kids some Grasshopper ice cream (cuz it's green and super yummy).
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Playdates, Cold Stone, and fun with cousins
Spencer didn't have school again. This time I noticed with enough advance to block off part of my day at work so I only went in for a couple of hours. Then we arranged for Eric to come over for a playdate. When I got home from work there was a message from another one of Spencer's friends. He called again and I invited him over as well. I figured they are all in the same school class and poor Spencer hasn't had very many playdates with me working so much so I hoped having two at the same time would kind of make up for that. The three boys played for a few hours. They played Ninjago--had a discussion about the pronounciation of Nya that I finally had to step in and settle. Then they had their predictions of who would be the green ninja. And who they heard someone at school say it would be. Curious, I looked online and discovered Lloyd Garmadon (son of Lord Garmadon) will become the green ninja. At least I found a description of the upcoming Green ninja Lego toy that says it is Lloyd. I told the boys and they didn't believe me because Lloyd isn't a ninja. So much for my authority. Then I sent them outside onto the trampoline. They played out there for a while and then discovered if they ran around on the wet grass in their socks and then got on the trampoline they could slide really well. I don't think their mothers were too happy to pick them up with wet, dirty socks. They also had fun playing Beyblades. Who knew spinners were so exciting? And they were very good about allowing Tessa to play with them. I was thinking that Nya Lego toy I supplemented her savings with to buy on our most recent Toys R Us trip was worth every penny so that the boys would let her play with them. She was grinning and laughing and keeping up with them the whole time. It was really cute.
Because of work and then the long playdate it was already dinner time. I made a quick dinner and then the kids asked what we were doing for Friday fun day. So we took them to ColdStone. I had purchased some vouchers at Costco so our ice creams were half price. And I got an extra spoon for Clara but she wouldn't give back my bowl. At one point Brodie tried to give her his bowl so I could have mine but she only wanted mine. Good taste. My favorite is the "Founder's Favorite" which is sweet cream ice cream with brownies, hot fudge, caramel, and pecans. Tessa got cotton candy with sprinkles, Spencer got banana with Twix bars, and Brodie got red velvet cake with brownies and hot fudge.
Saturday was my nephew, Carson's birthday party. We went over for cake and ice cream and presents. The kids had a blast on the swingset and I nudged Brodie a little more about the idea of us getting one. I wonder if Brodie has learned that if I bring it up as much as I am doing I've already decided we're getting one whether or not he likes the idea. I'm just hoping if I can get him on board with the idea that he'll help me set it up. He worked in the garden while watching me try to haul all the boxes of the trampoline, open them, and try to set it up. I think I was at it for a couple of hours before he gave up and came and helped me.
As we were leaving the birthday party I mentioned we were heading to Rumrz for dinner with our Groupon. My sister mentioned that they needed to eat before driving back to Tremonton so maybe they'd join us. My mom volunteers at the Temple so my dad said he'd come because he loves Rumrz. So then my brother and sister-in-law decided since it was 5:30 and they didn't have anything prepared for dinner that they'd come as well. My youngest sister had just gotten off the phone with her mother-in-law who was buying dinner for them so she wasn't going to join us. I don't think the other customers at Rumrz were too happy about our big group of kids, but the cousins had a blast eating together. We had a "boys" table with Spencer, Logan, Carson, and Jacob. Then we had a "girls" table with Tessa, Alexis, Aliya, and Clara. Then we adults sat at another couple of tables and visited while we ate. It was great fun. Brodie gave our waitress a 25% tip on our bill for taking such good care and putting up with the bunch of us.
Then I stopped at the Distribution Center to be told I shouldn't procrastinate because they had sold out of pictures of the 12 Apostles a week ago. She didn't understand I'm much more productive last minute. So I came home and printed off pictures of them instead. And I read through 16 conference talks from October's conference. I finished preparing my sharing time lesson around 1 in the morning. Combined with the loss of an hour for daylight savings the morning came way too early. And because we had been out kind of late I didn't get all the kids bathed and showered Saturday night so I had to do it Sunday morning.
Even though we had all been together on Saturday for Carson's birthday and most of us went to dinner last night, we all got together again at my parents' house for dinner Sunday evening. We of course had a whole bunch of yummy food and enjoyed trying to get a word in the conversation during dinner. Because of the nice weather all the kids wanted to play outside in my parents' huge backyard. But the stairs off their deck don't have stairs and their huge yard has plenty of dangerous things for my little Clara so I went out to make sure she was safe. While taking care of the baby I heard the kids playing zombies and then heard mention of playing a game called "murder". I was a little apprehensive about my little ones playing these older kid games so I intervened and told the girls we should play fairies. I flew Clara around and we all chose a name and had fun being fairies. So much fun in fact that the boys wanted in on the action. So Carson declared himself Jack Frost and he was out to capture or destroy the fairies. So my heroic Spencer declared himself the person to save the fairies and he and Carson proceeded to wrestle and chase each other while the girls ran away from them, found hiding places, and collected magic berries. I don't remember what Logan was doing during all this. But at one point he was chopping a tree stump with a couple gardening shovels he found and ended up cutting his finger. So I got him a band aid. Then I decided to ring the kids in a bit in hopes of having a little more control over the wildness. So I enrolled them all in "Fairy School". I taught them how to fly like a fairy and a couple other things. Then Bailee wanted to teach them how to be a fairy rockstar. Then Aliya wanted to teach them how to magically disappear from one place and reappear in another place (I'll give you a clue--it had something to do with covering your eyes). Tessa was too shy to teach anything and I don't remember what Afton taught. Alexis taught fairy gymnastics. Then Carson got in the action declaring himself "Fire Fairy" and taught us how to make a fairy fire. Then Logan taught us how to make a Fairy Thunderstrike. And Spencer taught us how to make a fairy laser force field. After that I left them on their own and came inside with Clara. I am so glad my kids have cousins their age who we get to see regularly enough to have so much fun together. It was a great weekend!
Because of work and then the long playdate it was already dinner time. I made a quick dinner and then the kids asked what we were doing for Friday fun day. So we took them to ColdStone. I had purchased some vouchers at Costco so our ice creams were half price. And I got an extra spoon for Clara but she wouldn't give back my bowl. At one point Brodie tried to give her his bowl so I could have mine but she only wanted mine. Good taste. My favorite is the "Founder's Favorite" which is sweet cream ice cream with brownies, hot fudge, caramel, and pecans. Tessa got cotton candy with sprinkles, Spencer got banana with Twix bars, and Brodie got red velvet cake with brownies and hot fudge.
Saturday was my nephew, Carson's birthday party. We went over for cake and ice cream and presents. The kids had a blast on the swingset and I nudged Brodie a little more about the idea of us getting one. I wonder if Brodie has learned that if I bring it up as much as I am doing I've already decided we're getting one whether or not he likes the idea. I'm just hoping if I can get him on board with the idea that he'll help me set it up. He worked in the garden while watching me try to haul all the boxes of the trampoline, open them, and try to set it up. I think I was at it for a couple of hours before he gave up and came and helped me.
As we were leaving the birthday party I mentioned we were heading to Rumrz for dinner with our Groupon. My sister mentioned that they needed to eat before driving back to Tremonton so maybe they'd join us. My mom volunteers at the Temple so my dad said he'd come because he loves Rumrz. So then my brother and sister-in-law decided since it was 5:30 and they didn't have anything prepared for dinner that they'd come as well. My youngest sister had just gotten off the phone with her mother-in-law who was buying dinner for them so she wasn't going to join us. I don't think the other customers at Rumrz were too happy about our big group of kids, but the cousins had a blast eating together. We had a "boys" table with Spencer, Logan, Carson, and Jacob. Then we had a "girls" table with Tessa, Alexis, Aliya, and Clara. Then we adults sat at another couple of tables and visited while we ate. It was great fun. Brodie gave our waitress a 25% tip on our bill for taking such good care and putting up with the bunch of us.
Then I stopped at the Distribution Center to be told I shouldn't procrastinate because they had sold out of pictures of the 12 Apostles a week ago. She didn't understand I'm much more productive last minute. So I came home and printed off pictures of them instead. And I read through 16 conference talks from October's conference. I finished preparing my sharing time lesson around 1 in the morning. Combined with the loss of an hour for daylight savings the morning came way too early. And because we had been out kind of late I didn't get all the kids bathed and showered Saturday night so I had to do it Sunday morning.
Even though we had all been together on Saturday for Carson's birthday and most of us went to dinner last night, we all got together again at my parents' house for dinner Sunday evening. We of course had a whole bunch of yummy food and enjoyed trying to get a word in the conversation during dinner. Because of the nice weather all the kids wanted to play outside in my parents' huge backyard. But the stairs off their deck don't have stairs and their huge yard has plenty of dangerous things for my little Clara so I went out to make sure she was safe. While taking care of the baby I heard the kids playing zombies and then heard mention of playing a game called "murder". I was a little apprehensive about my little ones playing these older kid games so I intervened and told the girls we should play fairies. I flew Clara around and we all chose a name and had fun being fairies. So much fun in fact that the boys wanted in on the action. So Carson declared himself Jack Frost and he was out to capture or destroy the fairies. So my heroic Spencer declared himself the person to save the fairies and he and Carson proceeded to wrestle and chase each other while the girls ran away from them, found hiding places, and collected magic berries. I don't remember what Logan was doing during all this. But at one point he was chopping a tree stump with a couple gardening shovels he found and ended up cutting his finger. So I got him a band aid. Then I decided to ring the kids in a bit in hopes of having a little more control over the wildness. So I enrolled them all in "Fairy School". I taught them how to fly like a fairy and a couple other things. Then Bailee wanted to teach them how to be a fairy rockstar. Then Aliya wanted to teach them how to magically disappear from one place and reappear in another place (I'll give you a clue--it had something to do with covering your eyes). Tessa was too shy to teach anything and I don't remember what Afton taught. Alexis taught fairy gymnastics. Then Carson got in the action declaring himself "Fire Fairy" and taught us how to make a fairy fire. Then Logan taught us how to make a Fairy Thunderstrike. And Spencer taught us how to make a fairy laser force field. After that I left them on their own and came inside with Clara. I am so glad my kids have cousins their age who we get to see regularly enough to have so much fun together. It was a great weekend!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Library fun, free In-N-Out Burgers, and Annie Get Your Gun
It's been a while since we've been to the library. So long in fact that I couldn't even renew our current books online. Between Spencer being in school all day and me working 6 days a week I haven't had time to go in. Luckily Spencer didn't have school Friday. I know I usually gripe at days off of school but I was really looking forward to having Spencer home for a day. Then I remembered that I'm working Fridays during the day. In the past I've only worked afternoon/evenings and Saturdays. So I asked my friend who's watching the girls if she could also watch Spencer.
After picking them up from my friends' Friday afternoon we headed to the library. The kids all chose some books and a movie and then we sat and Spencer read to himself, Tessa looked at pictures in books, and I read to Clara for a while. Spencer chose 3 Pokemon books, a Garfield book, a Star Wars book, and a Transformers book. I chose a few better reading chapter books for him. Tessa chose a Hello Kitty, Barbie, Princess, and Charlie and Lola book. Clara thinks every baby Max and Ruby board book is personally hers and she also wouldn't let go of a book called "How to Potty Train Your Monster" that is actually very cute. Technically she's only one and I only allow the kids to choose as many books as their age, but I chose a couple more for Clara. Then we came home and the kids turned on their movies while I made dinner. Spencer chose an "Elmo's World" movie since I said Clara was too little to choose a movie and he's such a sweet big brother that he chose one to share with her. Tessa chose a Curious George movie saying she would also share with Clara. What sweet kids I have!
Oh, speaking of the library and reading. Now through April 14th the Sandy library (I'm not sure if other libraries are also participating) is doing "Books & Burgers". You have to sign your kid between the ages of 4-12 up at the library. Then they give you a paper with 3 boxes. Each box has 5 lines for books the kid reads. Each group of five earns the kid one free In-N-Out burger. So your kid can earn 3 free burgers in total. Spencer always tells me he doesn't like In-N-Out burgers so I offered to buy each of his off of him for a quarter. I love In-N-Out and have a bad habit of stopping there about once a month after Tessa's school (I used to stop by more like every other week after Tessa's gymnastics but then they made the intersection on 12300 too complicated and it wasn't worth exiting the freeway for). So Tessa loves the place. But as Tessa was saying how much she loves In-N-Out and Spencer hasn't been for quite a long time, Spencer decided he "thinks" he'll like it again and doesn't want to sell me his free hamburgers. Maybe we'll make a Friday fun day out of it!
My two cute little neices have been rehearsing for a production of Annie Get Your Gun. They had a performance Friday night so we decided to go. Tickets were $6 but if you bought 4 or more they were only $5 a piece. My sister bought a bunch for all sorts of people so we paid her back $15. My mom also came with us. The play was very well done and they had some good acting in the main roles. My neices were very cute in their old fashioned dresses. Then during the "parade" Bailee was an adorable cowgirl and did a cute little dance routine. Afton was the cutest little gorilla riding on a train and waving with a huge grin on her face. I left Clara at home with Brodie since it started at 7:30 and she's usually in bed by then. Spencer and Tessa loved seeing their cousins on stage. Spencer really seemed excited that his play will be coming up soon. Of course they didn't understand the story line and at 9:30 when it was intermission we decided we'd better leave as the kids were complaining of being tired and asking when it would be over.
After picking them up from my friends' Friday afternoon we headed to the library. The kids all chose some books and a movie and then we sat and Spencer read to himself, Tessa looked at pictures in books, and I read to Clara for a while. Spencer chose 3 Pokemon books, a Garfield book, a Star Wars book, and a Transformers book. I chose a few better reading chapter books for him. Tessa chose a Hello Kitty, Barbie, Princess, and Charlie and Lola book. Clara thinks every baby Max and Ruby board book is personally hers and she also wouldn't let go of a book called "How to Potty Train Your Monster" that is actually very cute. Technically she's only one and I only allow the kids to choose as many books as their age, but I chose a couple more for Clara. Then we came home and the kids turned on their movies while I made dinner. Spencer chose an "Elmo's World" movie since I said Clara was too little to choose a movie and he's such a sweet big brother that he chose one to share with her. Tessa chose a Curious George movie saying she would also share with Clara. What sweet kids I have!
Oh, speaking of the library and reading. Now through April 14th the Sandy library (I'm not sure if other libraries are also participating) is doing "Books & Burgers". You have to sign your kid between the ages of 4-12 up at the library. Then they give you a paper with 3 boxes. Each box has 5 lines for books the kid reads. Each group of five earns the kid one free In-N-Out burger. So your kid can earn 3 free burgers in total. Spencer always tells me he doesn't like In-N-Out burgers so I offered to buy each of his off of him for a quarter. I love In-N-Out and have a bad habit of stopping there about once a month after Tessa's school (I used to stop by more like every other week after Tessa's gymnastics but then they made the intersection on 12300 too complicated and it wasn't worth exiting the freeway for). So Tessa loves the place. But as Tessa was saying how much she loves In-N-Out and Spencer hasn't been for quite a long time, Spencer decided he "thinks" he'll like it again and doesn't want to sell me his free hamburgers. Maybe we'll make a Friday fun day out of it!
My two cute little neices have been rehearsing for a production of Annie Get Your Gun. They had a performance Friday night so we decided to go. Tickets were $6 but if you bought 4 or more they were only $5 a piece. My sister bought a bunch for all sorts of people so we paid her back $15. My mom also came with us. The play was very well done and they had some good acting in the main roles. My neices were very cute in their old fashioned dresses. Then during the "parade" Bailee was an adorable cowgirl and did a cute little dance routine. Afton was the cutest little gorilla riding on a train and waving with a huge grin on her face. I left Clara at home with Brodie since it started at 7:30 and she's usually in bed by then. Spencer and Tessa loved seeing their cousins on stage. Spencer really seemed excited that his play will be coming up soon. Of course they didn't understand the story line and at 9:30 when it was intermission we decided we'd better leave as the kids were complaining of being tired and asking when it would be over.
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