The children were able to attend a special viewing where they were able to get up close to Abby's body and the funeral director talked to the kids about how Abby's spirit has gone to heaven and this is just her body. He told them they could touch and kiss her body and it wouldn't hurt them or Abby. He talked about the resurrection. He then asked if they had any questions. I thought this was wonderful for all of Abby's little cousins and friends, my children included. Then there was a viewing for everybody. I spent this time in the nursery of the church with all the kids. My other sister, my sister-in-law and I brought snacks for the kids and they played with toys and with each other. I'm glad Abby's siblings had these couple of hours to receive support and love and have fun with their cousins and friends.
My father gave a very touching family prayer before the casket was closed on this little angel. It was so hard for me to watch my sister and her husband standing by the casket as it was closed on their baby. My youngest sister spoke at the funeral about Abby's life. She reminded us of how special Abby was and how many lives Abby touched. Abby's primary teacher talked about how much Abby touched her life and about how much Abby loved music. Abby had her own ipod and would smile and tap her feet to the beat. She really loved rap music because of the strong beat. Then Abby's big sister spoke. What a brave 7-year old. She did such a great job of telling some of her favorite memories with Abby. Both of those girls were so lucky to have each other. But my heart broke as I watched this sweet girl trying to sing the special song. Her face was red and I could tell she was really missing her little sister.
Although Abby couldn't walk, talk, or do a lot of other things so many children her age could do, she had her own way to connect and communicate. I remember most the couple of times I visited them out in Boston when I stayed at their place and had a lot more interaction with their family. Every morning when I would go into Abby's room to say hello to her she would smile and make happy noises for me. Tessa also LOVED going in to say good morning to Abby and climb up on her bed to give her a hug and a kiss. The last time I went to visit my sister was when she had her youngest child and I got to take care of Abby a lot of the time. Tessa loved watching me put in the syringes of medicine and start the feeds. She also got so excited every time Abby would "beep" either from the feed machine when it was done or from her oximeter when her oxygen would drop or Abby would kick off the sensor on her toe. Tessa also loved to play "This Little Piggie" on Abby's toes, help adjust the head holder things on Abby's chair, read books to her, hold her hand, and find ways to make her laugh. My favorite was when I was cooking one day and little Tessa was trying to get up on her chair and accidentally "zerbetted" the chair on her way up. Abby laughed so hard! So Tessa continued to zerbet the chair from then on. I loved Abby's laugh! It was so contagious! Of course Abby's grown up since then and I've enjoyed seeing her more frequently, although less involved, over the last couple of years. Anyway, I felt I had to post these pictures of Tessa from our visit to Boston a couple years ago.
It was wonderful to see how many people came to support my sister. My 96 year old Grandma came down with one of my cousins I haven't seen for a few years. A few of our Aunts and Uncles came, including a pair from Canada. A bunch of our cousins came, some of whom we haven't seen in years. Some really good friends of our family came from Lindon. And there were so many people locally who knew my sister and/or her in-laws in town who came to support them. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for my sister and her husband but I'm grateful they have so many people supporting them at this time.
The following day was our family Christmas party. For the last couple of years we've had a big, fun family party for Christmas. A couple years ago we met at Classic Fun Center. My kids still remember how much fun they had with their cousins there. Tessa was pretty little but she remembers the Sponge Bob room with the bubble machine. Last year we all met at the movie theaters and watched Yogi Bear together. The kids loved it. Then we went over to McDonald's for hot fudge sundaes. The kids loved playing in the play area together.
This year we met at Planet Play. The kids had a blast choosing their own food, and a lot of it. My mom even brought her hand-dipped chocolates. My favorite of which are her milk chocolate covered cranberries. She even sent some home with me that I snarfed down the same night. Then we exchanged presents. Each year the kids draw a name and buy one cousin a gift. This year Spencer drew Bailee's name and gave her a Ken doll in a tux and a casual Ken outfit for him. Tessa had Jacob's name and got him a Lightning McQueen and Mater toy and the first Cars movie. Clara had Kendyll's name and got her some Snuggle Legs, headbands, and a little hat. In return Spencer was so excited to see that Kendyll had gotten him a couple of larger angry birds that make sounds. Carson got Tessa a dress-up set that both she and Clara have been playing with ever since. And I think Afton got Clara her very own Barbie doll and some pretty headbands that Clara loves.
Then we went to play. And play. And play. Seriously we were there for 4 hours. My sister got some deals on Cyber Monday so my parents paid like $200 for all of us to eat and for I think about $300 of play plus 40 attractions. Killer deal. All the kids except Tessa, Clara, and Afton started out with laser tag with Grandpa and a couple of the Uncles. We also spent a lot of time taking turns with the kids on the go-carts. Tessa rode with Mom, Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma. The older kids all took at least one ride, some more, on the bumper cars. Some kids did mini-golf. Tessa, Clara, and Afton spent a good chunk of time in the play land climbing, sliding, and riding the mini-carousel and cars.

And the kids played games for tickets so they could go pick out some fun toys to bring home. Our kids had soooooo much fun and I loved watching them have so much fun with their cousins and Grandma and Grandpa.
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