Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving, Christmas trees, Muppets, and Gingerbread

Okay so I'm really behind in posts.  I'll do my best to hit the highlights from Thanksgiving weekend.

So this year Thanksgiving was at my parents' house.  And I have to say the people in my family LOVE good food!  My folks brined a turkey and smoked a turkey and we all brought other stuff to dinner.  Brodie and I brought mashed potatoes, gravy (we made our own turkey dinner the Sunday before so we could use the carcass to make real gravy), stuffing, green bean casserole, chocolate pecan pie, banana cream pie, and my Great Aunt Libbie's green tomato mince meat pie with butter rum sauce.  Did I mention we love good food?  Oh, and I think we had enough leftovers for a few more Thanksgiving meals.  We also had a great time visiting as adults and the kids played and played.  And we celebrated two of my neice's birthdays with a pinata full of candy, cupcakes, and presents for Aliya and Afton.

I hate shopping.  No, let me rephrase that.  I hate going to stores.  I love shopping online.  But despite my dislike of shopping in stores and being in crowds and lines, I still go Black Friday shopping.  A couple years ago I got my sister and mother to come with me and we had so much fun that we had to do it again!  But now everything's open Thanksgiving evening.  So after the kids were in bed I picked up my mom and sister and we headed over to Walmart.  I stood by the item I wanted and waited while my mom and sister roamed the store for about an hour.  Then the craziness started with people screaming and tearing off the plastic wraps.  I grabbed some stufff while my sister grabbed some pajamas and my mom headed into the checkout line.  We pushed through the crowds to catch up to my mom and we were out of there.  Then we headed to Target where we waited outside in line for about an hour and  half (they didn't open until midnight--Walmart had let us inside but not open the stuff until 10).  I remember the first time we went a couple years ago when we were waiting outside at 5 am and it was SOOOO cold.  This year was warm enough I survived in my flip flops.  This is the funnest part for me.  We stand around being silly and talking and laughing and if anyone else was with us they would think we had lost it.  But we have fun.  We got what we wanted in Target and then had to wait forever in the line (it was moving the whole time, but went through every single grocery aisle).  I think we were outside for an hour and a half and inside for an hour and a half here.  Then we stopped at Shopko.  By the time I unloaded my mom, sister, and all their stuff and then came home and unloaded my stuff I got to bed at 3:30 a.m.

Friday was pretty rough.  I had a horrible migraine and was exhausted and not really in the fun Christmas spirit.  But it was tree day.  I turned on the Christmas music and got setting up my tree.  Usually I love this.  I don't like anyone to help me.  I set up the tree and stratetically wrap around 2,000 lights.  I then open up and place each of my special Disney ornaments one at a time.  Yes this takes me the entire day.  And because the kids really love my Disney ornaments it's hard to tell them they can't touch them.  But they can't.  So each kid has their own Christmas tree with their own ornaments (mainly Disney of course) that they can set up howevever they want and touch whenever they want. 

As I was busy with my tree and in pain with a migraine, Brodie took Spencer and Tessa out for Friday fun day.  They went to McDonald's and got Hello Kitty and Bakugan toys.  Brodie even ate a Happy Meal so he could bring a Hello Kitty toy home for Clara.  What a sweet dad.  Then he took them to the Muppet movie.  They LOVED it.  They came home in great moods telling me about how funny the movie was.  They both agreed their favorite part was the "Fart Shoes" which  meant they pretended they were wearing fart shoes around the rest of the day.

Now that the trees were up it was time to get ready for Christmas.  This included making a gingerbread house, which we did on Sunday.  I love the kits from Costco.  For the same price you can get a kit at any store the Costco one comes already assembled (the others you have to ice together the walls of the house the night before you decorate it so it can set up) and includes a tree and 2 gingerbread people.  And it has white, red, and green icing and plenty of candy to decorate (we didn't even use it all).  So I piped the icing and let the three kids go crazy with the candy.  Here's how it turned out:

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