Saturday, December 31, 2011

Temple Square lights

My van needed the brakes changed.  I used to wait for the weekend and have Brodie take the cars in to the cheapest place.  But we can't fit all 3 kids in the truck which means one of us would have to wait somewhere for the van to get fixed.  And really, time is very valuable on Saturdays.  When we first bought the van we took it into Karl Malone Toyota to have some warranty stuff done before the warranty expired and I was very impressed.  So I scheduled an appointment at Karl Malone Toyota.  Just so happens I had 4 children that day (babsitting a 3 year old and Spencer was out of school plus Tessa and Clara).  We drove in and piled out of the van.  We started off with the free popcorn and they let us change the television to Peppa Pig.  After about half an hour of popcorn and TV we headed over the the Pirate Ship.  I took a picture with my phone and maybe I'll remember to get around to uploading it here, but it's really fun.  The kids took off their shoes and played pirates.  They could climb the mast, go inside the door under the deck, go on the deck and steer, and all sorts of fun stuff.  They played here for the next hour and a half.  At times Tessa would come out and sit on the couch watching the Little Einsteins DVD that was playing by the pirate ship.  And with all 4 kids we did have to make 4 potty trips (clear on the other side of the dealership).  But overall the kids had a blast for 2 hours while the brakes were being changed.  Pretty good way to entertain the kids!

Because we didn't get to see the Temple Square lights the night of the scrimmage we decided to go Tuesday night instead.  So after wearing themselves out at Karl Malone Toyota I fed the kids and we headed downtown.  This time we parked under the Conference Center (they were letting people park here for Free!).  So we were really close.  And since we weren't going to be attending a basketball game we also had the stroller!  We once again bundled everyone up and headed across the street.

Temple Square is so beautiful all lit up with so many lights!  The kids were in awe.  And the glowing temple among the lights makes the scene even more breath taking.

We walked around the West side and ooed and aahed at all the lights.  Then we headed over to the East side by the Reflection Pool.  Spencer remembered the floating lights from the previous year.  It was beautiful with the statues of Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus along with the reflection of the temple and all the floating lights.
Then we went through the grounds in front of the Church Office Building.  They had a few little nativities from around the world.  I think they were from Japan, Poland, Mexico, Alaska (?), and a Native American Indian one.  And there were tons of little lanterns with things in different languages like "Hope" and "Faith" and "Love" and pictures.  Spencer loved searching for any Chinese symbols he recognized.  I think he only found Love.  Then we headed back to Temple Square to go see the life-size nativity that takes up the entire grounds South of the North Visitor Building.  The story of Christ's birth is played over the loud speakers and a scene is spotlighted when it is being narrated (the shepherds, the Wise Men, and the Manger).  It is really crowded here but we lifed the kids up so they could see.  Spencer wanted to go inside the Visitors' Center and see the Christus statue but it was insanely packed so we told him we'd come back to Temple Square on a night it wasn't so crowded.  And I realized I don't think we've ever taken the kids to Temple Square except at Christmas time.  I'm adding that to my to-do list.

1 comment:

  1. That's one thing I miss about being in Utah is the lights at Temple Square. That picture of the reflection pond is beautiful!
