I meant to put this post up last weekend, but so goes life. Brodie was out of town last week for work and since it was the last week of the summer I knew we needed some fun, summery things to do. Wednesday I headed up to my sister's place in Tremonton to spend the day with her. However, as I was in the shower Tessa came running up saying there was an emergency and that Clara was spitting up and it was too stinky. I jumped out of the shower and came running downstairs in a towel to find Spencer hiding on the fireplace so he wouldn't get any throw up on him and poor little Clara was more scared than anything and screaming so hard. I tore off her pukey clothes and held her to calm her down. And of course I had fed her a bowl full of blueberries for breakfast. So I cleaned her up and then stuck her in her high chair while I proceeded to clean the carpet and get her clothes and the rags in the washing machine immediately. I then brought her up to my bathroom while I finished getting ready. She was acting just fine, holding down soda crackers, and didn't have a fever so I decided to proceed with my plans for Tremonton.
A little later the kids got on their swimming suits and headed out to go swimming in the hot tub. My sister has it turned down during the day for the kids to play in and then turns it up in the evening. Aliya is a little water baby and kept doing sommersaults and all sorts of fun stuff. Tessa kept sticking her head in the water. Spencer was fine with his feet on the ground and water not being squirted onto his face. Clara even spent a little time in the water with either Tiffany or me holding onto her from outside the hot tub.
We stayed for dinner and ended up getting home around 9:30. Spencer and Tessa both fell asleep on the way home but Clara didn't. I enjoyed a yummy late night snack of crackers with cream cheese and the habanero jelly my sister sent home with me. It was better than ice cream. Then around midnight Clara woke up crying and when I went to get her she had thrown up again. I cleaned her up again and put her bedding and pajamas into the wash. Then I had to make sure I stayed up long enough to get them in the dryer in case I needed to change them back. The next morning she threw up in her crib again. So we stayed in on Thursday, other than driving Tessa to preschool. Since we weren't going anywhere fun and the front yard needed some extra water, I sent the kids out front with the sprinklers.
Clara didn't throw up again so Friday we headed to Hogle Zoo with my other sister, Janelle. Spencer went earlier this year with his kindergarten class but the girls and I haven't seen the robotic dinosaurs yet so I was excited. I thought of our trips to Red Butte and Thanksgiving Point Gardens earlier this week and decided to pull out the old Graco double stroller for the zoo. I haven't used it since last summer and didn't think pushing that heavy stroller with both kids around the zoo was too much fun. We went to the bird show that was a lot of fun and informative. The kids liked the talking parrots, dancing cockatoo, and the flying birds of prey. After that we had some lunch that we had packed up for the kids. We watched the monkeys and elephants and had fun watching the cool, realistic robotic dinosaurs. We dug for dinosaur bones in the sand and played in the water from the squirting dinosaur and from the cooling fans. The kids favorite thing seemed to be locating the dinosaurs we were looking at in their guide book and reading about them. Tessa didn't want to get out of the stroller. If you haven't been to the zoo while they have their Zoorassic Park exhibit, you should really get out there before August 31 and see these cool dinosaurs.
But pushing the double stroller, the 90 degree weather, and the fact that I have been to the zoo so many times (I have had a pass 4 out of the last 6 years) that I feel I have seen and done it all made the 3 hours we had been at the zoo feel like long enough. So instead of seeing the rest of the zoo we rode the train and then played at the playground for quite a while and then we left. Spencer was sad we didn't go in the stinky, but cool, reptile building and I told him we'd come again when the weather drops about 20 degrees. He seemed fine with that. I think the kids had more fun playing with their cousins than looking at the animals anyway.

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