I registered the kids for the free bowling program at All-Star Lanes in Sandy, next to Chuck E Cheese's. I know Fat Cats is also doing the program. Heck, you could enroll your kids both places and play 4 games a day with a little drive in between. But really, who would? Of course shoe rental isn't included. As I'm not a fan of the sport I really haven't put time into figuring out why you have to wear special shoes to bowl so I couldn't explain it to my kids when I told them such. Shoe rental for both kids was just under $5. I really had no desire to play and knew my hands would be full as I discovered when we got there that the stroller wasn't in the van so I would be helping the older kids bowl while trying to keep track of Clara. I tried finding the lightest bowling balls possible so Spencer could hold his by himself and Tessa kind of could--momentarily. Heck the girl doesn't even way 30 pounds on her own! And she insisted on a pink ball.
I'm trying to teach Spencer respect so Tessa usually gets to go first, as she's a girl. I told Spencer to watch Clara while I showed Tessa how to stretch her hand to get all her fingers in the holes and I helped her swing the ball down. No big surprise when it went right into the gutter. I think she hit a few pins over on our next try. Then I told Tessa to keep an eye on Clara (which meant I kept looking back at her while I was trying to help Spencer) and I went through the same process with Spencer. He hit a few the first time and a few more the next time. As I began to help Tessa on her next frame a very nice man a couple lanes over came to me and told me I could ask the attendant to put up bumper rails and they could bring me a ball rack where the kids would just have to place the ball on top and give it a little nudge and it would do the rest by itself. Boy was I grateful for the man as it made it much easier on me. True my kids didn't learn how to really bowl but they had fun and I was able to take care of Clara--only needing to help Tessa carry the ball to the rack.
For some reason Tessa's pink ball continually turned to the right, regardless of how I angled the rack, so she usually ended up hitting 3 or 4 on the right side. She finished with a score of 60. Spencer did a little better--even getting a strike at one time and a spare another time. He finished with 87. Tessa was a really good cheerleader--jumping up and down and yelling "Go Spencer! Go Spencer!" for the first 5 or 6 frames. Then she wore out or got bored and didn't care much from then on. Spencer was good at cheering her on for just about as long. Then he noticed the board was keeping score and that he was winning. At that point he stopped cheering for Tessa.
After the game Tessa was so sad cuz she never got all the pins knocked down so she didn't want to play the second game. Spencer said he didn't want to play anymore either. I wanted to get in a trip to Costco before coming home to make dinner so I didn't argue and decided to forego our second free game. We returned the shoes and headed out. They told Brodie tonight that they had fun bowling. Maybe we'll do it again one day.

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