Thursday, June 14, 2012

First week of summer and Mt View Park

For the first official full week of summer Brodie was out of town so I had a busy, fun week with the kids.  We went to the Lone Peak skate park for Family Skate Night, took Tessa to gymnastics, had swimming lessons for both kids, and Spencer started tennis lessons (which he loves).

We also had a fun day at Mt View Park on Fort Union.  We've been watching the progress almost daily as we drive by and the kids have been so excited.  I've also been very excited.  I love taking my kids to playgrounds and try to find as many different ones as I can so they don't feel like they are always playing on the same ones.  I am also so excited for the splashpad.  Most of Sandy's public areas were built long before the splash pads came around and the only one I know of close to us is Alta Canyon's but you have to pay to get in.  Last year we drove out to Herriman, Riverton, or Liberty Park to visit splash pads.

We also invited Spencer's friend to come with us.  There are two different playgrounds.  One is geared more for little kids.  There are the little bouncy animals, a small tractor play structure with a little slide, a low teeter totter, and a short climbing structure with a slide.  Even the older boys managed to be entertained.

The other playground is great for older kids.  There is a game thing where you run around tapping the lights and there's music. There is a fun spinning structure you can stand on, climb up, or hang on and swing on the outside.  There's a bridge, tunnels, big slides, rope climbing structures, and a rock climbing structure.
Then there's the splash pad.  The center had buckets that would spill over.  There was also the section of loops that spray, blasters the kids could aim all over to hit people with a stream of water, a frog structure that sprayed just small water out which was perfect for Clara, and then plenty of places the ground would spray out water.  The splash pad rotated through but always had a few places spraying at once so the kids could spread out.  I know this park is brand new and it's the beginning of summer but it was REALLY crowded.

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